In 1989, Steve Sample purchased Douglas Duprey’s building supply store at only 22 years of age. After purchasing the business, he decided to name it Sample Lumber. Starting out with only 576 square feet, the business began.
Having started the business in a rather rural area, running a business simply based on local customers was bound to prevent any company growth. This is when Steve Sample decided to work directly with contractors and real estate developers, which according to him now makes up roughly 80% percent of his business.
With this large increase in business, Steve decided to bring on his brother, Kevin Sample, as a general manager in 1991. Both being in their mid-twenties, they both had a lot ot learn about the industry and were pushing full steam ahead.
Sample Lumber now consists of 30,000+ square feet of building supplies, hardware, tools, fixtures, and more. Please stop by our store to not only be guaranteed quality materials, but also to get a glimpse at history.
Kevin Sample | ext. 227